Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Simmo's 66FL Geney Shovel

I bought this bike over from the States and sold it to Simmo but soon it was realised that some fucker had sold me a lovely bike but with cracked crank case. It was cracked just behind the lifter blocks (see photo). Anyhow too much of a job for me so off to  a mate, Braders,  who has all sorts of magic tools and talents in his workshop. He cut out the offending and very porous cracked piece of shit and made up a new piece, he then waved his magic wand, turned round 3 times and went puff! but fuck all happened and he had to do loads of work instead. (Click on photos for a larger view)

Cracked cases, oil was squirting out of here.
New piece of large billet cut and ready for welding.

New piece welded in ready for machining.

1 comment:

  1. quality engineering!!!! proper thumbs up
    pat -Oz crew
